The B&O Railroad Museum offers a range of unique, unforgettable experiences designed to give visitors glimpses into the inner workings of a railroad museum. From the shop where historic locomotives & train cars are restored, to the marvelous engineering of the Roundhouse turntable, our Behind the Scenes experiences present a deeper look at the work we do here at the Museum.

Availability is limited, we recommend at least 4 weeks notice when scheduling all Behind the Scenes experiences.

Restoration Shop Train Ride & Tour 

Take a Mile One Express train ride to the Museum’s state-of-the-art restoration facility for a behind-the-scenes tour! This guided tour offers an up-close and personal look at the shop where our team restores and maintains the Museum’s historic collection of rolling stock. You’ll see and learn about the machinery used in the restoration process and get a sneak peek at some of the Iron Horses currently undergoing maintenance or restoration! 

The Restoration Shop Tour focuses on three main topics:  train & locomotive restoration, railroad operations & maintenance, and historic tools. Tours will cover all three aspects, however, group tours can opt for more focused tours: 

  • Restoration: See where all the magic happens! Tour current restoration projects, learn how the museum conducts restoration projects, and see the largest paint booth in the Mid-Atlantic.
  • Railroad Operations: Tour alongside our railroad operations team and learn about how we maintain an operational railroad and keep all the engines in great working order. You can also see our pit where we work on the undersides of locomotives and other rolling stock. 
  • Historic Tools: How authentic are our restorations? We collect, restore, and use historic tools to recreate the original look and feel of our restorations, whenever possible. Take a close look at all these ingenious tools and learn about the history of locomotive production.  

Duration of the entire experience, including train ride to and from the restoration facility, is approximately 60 minutes. This experience is unavailable from the second week of November through April.

Prices subject to change. Availability is limited, we recommend at least 4 weeks notice when scheduling all Behind the Scenes experiences.

Cab Rides 

Experience a train ride from an entirely different perspective – the cab of the locomotive! Sit right beside the engineer as they operate the locomotive during a Mile One Express train ride for a unique glimpse at what it’s like to drive a train. Cab rides are available during regularly scheduled train rides while supplies last. 

This experience is unavailable from the second week of November through April.

  • Pricing: $250 per group, maximum 3 people (1 adult required), and Museum Admission.

Prices subject to change. Availability is limited, we recommend at least 4 weeks notice when scheduling all Behind the Scenes experiences.

Turn the Turntable 

The Roundhouse’s 60-ft. Turntable was originally used to position passenger cars in an available bay for necessary repairs and work. The turntable is now used to spotlight historic pieces from the Museum’s collection during our popular Turntable Demonstrations, in which a historic locomotive or rail car is rotated by the power of just one person – and that person can be you!  

This experience is unavailable during the holiday season from the second week of November through the first week of January.

Prices subject to change. Availability is limited, we recommend at least 4 weeks notice when scheduling all Behind the Scenes experiences.

Archives Tour 

The Hays T. Watkins Research Library & Archives is dedicated to the history and preservation of American railroading, and holds pieces which represent the legacy of the B&O Railroad and other railroads in the region. Take a private tour of the archives to get a behind-the-scenes look at how we store and preserve the many pieces of railroading history contained therein. Tour guests will be invited to handle a selection of historic documents and artifacts from our collection.

Prices subject to change. Availability is limited, we recommend at least 4 weeks notice when scheduling all Behind the Scenes experiences.

First Mile Stable Train Ride

Located on the Museum’s campus, the First Mile Stable is the home of the Baltimore City Mounted Police Unit. Take a train ride to the stable and meet the horses of the Mounted Unit! 

This experience is unavailable during the holiday season from the second week of November through the first week of January.

Prices subject to change. Availability is limited, we recommend at least 4 weeks notice when scheduling all Behind the Scenes experiences.

Scheduling & Inquiries

To book or for questions about any of our behind the scenes museum experiences, please complete the form below.

Availability limited, 4+ weeks notice recommended.

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