Location: Backyard
Connectivity: Art at the Intersection of Rail, Community, and Identity
Street Art Exhibition
The Baltimore-based artists selected for this exhibit were asked to reflect on the concept of connectivity as it relates to the railroad, our community, and our own identities. Each artwork responds to this idea from diverse perspectives, but together form a deeper insight into that which binds us all together: our networks, our shared spaces, and our relationships with each other. This street art exhibition, created in 2021, seeks to recognize all the sanctioned – and sometimes unsanctioned – forms of artwork that are an intimate part to railroading culture, as well as harness new perspectives from our local community of creatives.

American railroading history and culture is filled with art and creativity. From the ornate decoration applied to Victorian locomotives, to 20th Century wartime images praising the power of rail technology and the American worker, to graffiti art applied to contemporary freight cars that crisscross the nation, the railroad has both inspired the American imagination as well as served as a literal canvas for artists.
Featured Murals and Artists:
It’s in Our DNA by Tima Aflitunov
Untitled by Kenneth Clemons and Joshua Olsen
Untitled by Jennifer Weightman
Vagabond Sanskrit by Jaz Erenberg
This project was developed in partnership with the Creative Alliance. Generous support for this project was provided by the Gutierrez Memorial Fund, the Maryland State Arts Council, and the MICA Center for Creative Citizenship.