
From the mouth of General Ulysses S. Grant, hear about his bond with President Abraham Lincoln!  

Join famed Grant impressionist and professional living historian, Gunnery Sgt Kenneth J. Serfass, for a living history experience about General Grant and President Lincoln’s time during the Civil War. Serfass has been recognized by the state of California for his contributions to “continued education of the public as to our national history” and has also created a YouTube series across Grant’s major battle sites, titled “How the War Was Won in the West.”  

From 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM, Serfass, as General Grant, will take the story deeper than your history books and look at the interpersonal relationship between these major figures of the Civil War. After the talk, he will answer your burning questions!  


Included with Museum Admission. B&O Members FREE.

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April 26-27 & May 3-4

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March 15 @ 12 Noon


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March 19, 22 & 23

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April 11 @ 6:30 PM

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April 19 @ 8:30 AM


Alison J.
July 2024

The Underground Railroad exhibit particularly made an impression. You can learn about the enslaved people who passed through Mount Clare Station as their last stop before reaching the northern states. Sobering and inspiring stories.

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